2500 litre portable grease trap en route to Rod Laver Arena
Grease Trap Rental:
Viking Plastics is now offering grease trap rental. Ā OurĀ first contract was to supply two 2500 litre portable grease traps to Rod Laver Arena for the 2016 Australian Open.
Major events such as Moomba, Melbourne Cup, festivals and pop-up restaurants have a niche requirement. Water Authorities do not allow waste water to be poured on the ground or sent directly to a sewer from a sink. Viking Plastics portable grease trap rental has been developed to enable easy collection of waste water, relocation and servicing.
Rental feeĀ includes delivery, pickup and pump-out on completion. Ā To learn more, or obtain a quote on a grease trap to suit your needs, please call Viking Plastics on +61 3 9587 2297.